Walsall Wedding - Through a Second Photographer's Eyes
Good morning all, I'm just quickly writing this before I go off to sort my horse out. Today's blog post and one of several (although not all today), is demonstrating how I work as a second and how I incorporate that into my own photography work.
Last summer I did quite a bit of Seconding work for Carrie Jackson Photography. Although most of her work is West Yorkshire, North West, she had a client booking in nearby Walsall in the West Midlands, so it was close to home for me. The day began with just a quick visit to the groom and getting a little candid moments from there before returning to the brides house to pick up Carrie and head off to the church for the ceremony.
After the confetti shoot at church, it was time for the happy couple to head off to the Village Hotel in Walsall for their wedding breakfast and reception. The groomsmen were very funny and were at times random but very funny and I just photographed what was going on - I try not to instigate things! After the groom's speech we headed off to the Arboretum for some couple photos in nice relaxed manner before returning so that the couple could greet their evening guests and have their first dance as husband and wife, then I left just after that.